If you've been following me regularly, you'll know that my new Mum and Dad to be went off to school on Tuesday night to see my soon to be teacher and class mates in action.
There were 5 lovely puppy playmates; a Labradoodle called Dexter, a Chinese Crested Cross called Holly, a Black Long coated Retriever whose name I can't remember, a gorgeous Staffie called Stanley, and a black Labrador called Boo.
There were a few pee pee accidents only because they got really excited but nothing that a few towels couldn't sort out.
Otherwise, they were sooooo well behaved and got on really well but when things did get a little excited teacher Elaine told their Mums and Dads how to calm things down.
I start school on 13th August 2012. Mum's got her treat bag ready. Hope it's chicken in there!
Wednesday was my first day trip out in a car to the Vet to have my eyes tested.
Most breeds of dog have health issues and the Havanese is no different. We are prone to a number of health issues which, along with deafness and skeletal problems, include cataracts.
A cataract is an opacity in the lens of the eye.

- be hereditary,
- occur in young and adult Havanese
- and occur in both eyes
so it's really important for puppies and adult Havanese to have their eyes examined annually.
I'm fine and so are my 5 other siblings and that's because breeder, Tracy at Larwinsca Havanese, dedicates her life to my breed. She's a star!
We were all so good on our first trip to the Vet that we were rewarded with some lovely treats!
Yum yum.

My new Mum has been really busy preparing a poop patch in the garden.
I've got to learn to go pee and poop on my patch.
I don't think I'll have any problems cos it's surrounded by lovely plants and flowers.
Bet you're jealous eh?
Well that's you brought up to date with everyday tails of a Havanese Pooch from puppyhood and beyond
Thanks for checking in!
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