Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Birthday Suprises

I'm 10 weeks old today!

That's why I'm flying the balloons and offering you a cupcake or two.

Mum's planned quite a day and it all starts off with a visit to those people in white coats and stethoscopes.

Yes, you've guessed right. It's a trip to the vets for my second set of jabs. Whilst I'm not looking forward to it, it does mean that I get to go beyond my garden into the wider world in two weeks time!

Just love Maggie's Rug Mum!
Then we're off to see my Mum's very close friend, Maggie. I've not met her before, but Mum and Maggie get on very well indeed. Maggie is so looking forward to meeting me, so I just hope that I don't pee or poop on her carpet. She might not invite us again!

Mum's taking a Maggie a couple of surprises too. She's taking Maggie a "Herman The German Sour Dough base" that Mum's been nurturing for 10 days. Mum's split the mixture into 4 portions, added fruit to one portion and baked a lovely moist cake out of it.

The remaining 3 mixtures are given away to Mum's friends. It's a local tradition and know as the 'friendship cake" because each of Mum's recipients will nurture their mixture for a further 10 days, split into four, bake one and offer the other three out to friends and family. Bit like a chain mail cake!

Anyway, back to my birthday.

10 weeks is a bit of a milestone in puppy terms. I'm growing fast, am very inquisitive, mischievous but it is a period during my 'socialisation' stage that I could become a little cautious.

For example, Mum plays me various sounds to get me used to hearing things like crying babies, car horns, children screaming, washing machine, thunder, fireworks etc, but yesterday I really screamed when the toast popped out of the toaster! (that wasn't on the CD Mum!)

I'm getting used to my collar and lead and Mum is doing everything to make sure I remain outgoing during this very important stage of my development.

I've only been living with my new Mum and Dad and pussycats, Lily and Hugo for less than 2 weeks, but already I'm protecting my territory with a little WOOF when visitors arrive.

I just want to thank Mum and Dad and the pussycats for making my life so happy.


Things To Do On A Rainy Day In Diss

It's raining.   Cats and Dogs  (More Cats than Dogs!)

Garden looks lovely with the liquid sunshine!
And I'm wondering what to do.

I've discovered that I really don't like getting my feet wet, so I started the day with a pee on the kitchen floor.   Mum wasn't very happy since I've got the hang of going outside to toilet.

So, with liquid sunshine pouring down giving the garden and flowers a well earned drink, I thought I'd tell you about some of my favourite indoor doggie games


I call it my Wobbly Womble (Dad, wanted to call me Womble, but I'm glad I'm called Bluffy (Blue Fee)

It's a food dispensing toy and provides hours of endless fun 'cos it's filled with treats!

I love this boredom buster cos it always want's to right itself no matter the position I put it in.  If I'm lucky, treats spill out which Mum says is my reward for my hard work.  Phfff!  Easy Peesy!


Mum uses her 12 case muffin tin and places treats (chicken's my favourite) in about 6 of them.   She then covers 3 of the muffin cups with lightweight tennis balls and my job is to find them.

The trick is that I can find the uncovered treats so easily that it doesn't take me much to work out that there are more hidden under the tennis balls, which I can knock away to get the goodies!

There's another version that you could try at home too.

I think it's a complete hoot when Mum smacks the muffin tin to send all the balls and treats flying!   Just make sure there are no breakables!!


Mum uses 3 polystyrene cups and places a treat under 2 of them.   She lets me watch which cup they go under.  My job is to knock them over to retrieve the treat.

A more advanced version is to move the cups around once the treats are underneath.  I really have to use my nose to sniff out the chicken!


This is a famous game first developed by the trainer September Morn, called "Go Wild And Freeze".

Basically, Mum starts dancing around and acts excited until I join the party too.

Once I do, Mum suddenly stops moving and asks me to 'sit' or 'down' or another behaviour I know well.   The moment I do it, Mum starts partying again and I join in.  My reward for demonstrating the 'sit' or 'down' is that I'm invited to the party again!

Cor, keeps you fit!!

These are just a few of the games we've played whilst the rain tumbles down.  It tired me out so much that I had a lovely sleep whilst Mum cycled off to give a very nice lady her first bicycle and road-craft lesson.   What a cycle diva! 

Back to demolishing my Bully stick........

Yum Yum!


Thanks For The Feedback!

For regular visitors to my blog, you might notice that something is  little different.

Things not clear?
Email me here
Well, Mum's made some changes for me following some really cool feedback, for which we are grateful.

It seems that some dear readers found the text a little difficult to read, so Mum's changed the font and the colour to make for easier reading.  

After all, we don't want you leaving us or getting fed up half way through reading our posts simply because the text colour was too pale or the font too curly!

We hope these changes suit you but if not, why not email me here?

This is a good time to say thank you to all of you who follow my everyday tails from puppyhood and beyond.

Stay with us, there's so much more to come......


Monday, 30 July 2012

The Trouble With Poops

Dear Friends,

How many other puppies and doggies around the world suffer with a little constipation, I wonder?

It's not a nice thing to have as I experienced last night.

Bit of a strange subject to talk about I know, but my experience could help others just like me.

Mum noticed that I was scooting along the floor on my rear.   This is not natural so Mum being anxious, took me into the garden to see if I could eliminate there.

Oh no, dear friends.  As try as I did, not a poop was to be seen!

So Mum brought me in and had a good old look at my bottom through her magnifying glass.  To both our horror, some nasty stuff was seen half in and half out, if you get my drift.

Armed with wet wipes, Mum gently teased away the nasties and combed through the hair to rid of any danglies and softly massaged my rear end to help ease away my stress.

Being a clever Mum, she added a weeny bit of olive oil to my grub which was lovely!

All that seemed to do the trick as I proved to Mum this morning by leaving a great poop example in my pen on the kitchen floor!

There's a few things you might need to know about us doggies, particular long haired breeds such as I:

We can be prone to something called 'mechanical constipation'.    This is basically an external physical obstruction, such as hair, which causes us to be unable to eliminate.

The solution is to keep the hair around by bottom trimmed.  This doesn't mean shaving right down to the skin.  Oh no, it simple means to trim a small circle or slightly elongated teardrop about the size of a 1 pence piece.  This simple act will help much more that you will ever anticipate!

So guess what I'm in for later!

Now, before we move on, just a word about scooting along on my bottom.   Whilst Mum managed to sort me out last night, she is aware that this might be a sign of something else not quite right.

So I'm going to talk to you about ANAL SACS.

These are little bag-like structures located on either side of my bottom at approximately 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock.  These glands produce secretions which occur whenever I have a bowel movement.

These secretions are a way for me to leave my 'calling card' to let other animals know I've been around.

If everything is functioning normally, regular bowel movements will keep the anal sacs relatively empty and trouble free.

Sometimes though, these anal sacs become blocked and cannot empty naturally.  One of the signs that this is happening is the "scooting on the ground" behaviour.   If left unattended, nasty things can happen.

Now, helping doggies to unblock these sacs is to express them manually.  The Havanese Fanciers of Canada's great book called "From Nose To Tail" gives step by step instructions on how to do this, but Mum is a little unsure.

So, when we visit the Vet's for my second set of jabs this Wednesday, Mum's going to ask those nice ladies how to do it and to check me to ensure is as it should be.

I'll keep you posted.


Sunday, 29 July 2012

Me And The Garden Monster

Lazy Sunday.

We all had a right old snooze until 9 o'clock this morning.  Mum brought me upstairs to see Dad who was snoring and I just couldn't resist biting his feet!  Tee Hee!

The sun was shining and we all had breakfast on the patio.  I love alfresco dining.  I like to pick my biscuits out of my bowl and crunch on them outside in the warm air.

Then it was chicken playtime.  I had to do some "sits", "downs" and cos I'm really good at these, Dad started to teach me the recall and come when called.     Easy peesee!

He's looking at me Mum!

Tomorrow, Mum's going to start getting me used to being on a lead so that I can go out and about as soon as my quarantine period ends in mid August, but for now,  I'm happy just getting chicken for sitting and lying down.

The next exciting thing that happened was Hugo the Cat coming to see me in the garden.

That was lovely and I really like him and think he likes me.

Mum and Dad popped out to do some shopping whilst I had a snooze.

Then Mum said she needed to cut the grass before the weather closed in.  (It's thundering now, but I'm OK with that)

Mum went to the green shed by my poop patch and pulled out the Garden Monster.

It loves to eat grass and was really greedy today.
I'll tackle this
Garden Monster, Mum!

It makes a gruesome munching sound and spurts out green stuff at the back.

Makes my nose itch!!

Mum took loads of photos today.  You can see them here

For now, I'm off for another sleep.



Saturday, 28 July 2012

Diss-covering Diss

Yesterday was a hoot!

Mum's sister, Auntie Lin, came round to see us.

It was a lovely surprise since I've not had many visitors yet and I know Mum has got cabin fever staying at home with me.

Did you have to do
this to me Mum?
When Auntie Lin arrived, I greeted her with a little woof and lots of tail wagging.

My auntie has 2 doggies of her own, Tiza and Tango, 2 Jack Russell Terriers.   You might have met Tiza before, but if not, click here to get introduced.

Tango is a right little monster but is only young and still learning his manners.  But I've not yet met either of them because I've not had my full set of vaccinations yet.

Anyway, after a bit of a romp and play in the garden, Auntie Lin suggested that we all go into Diss, our local market town, for a coffee and a bite to eat.

Outward Hound
front facing Back Pack

Well, that meant I got to try out my new doggie carrier.

Mum strapped it on and padded out the bottom with cushions and a pee-pad, just in case I had an accident.

Then she popped me in and attached my collar to the internal harness and pulled the drawstring tight so that I couldn't get out.

And off we went.

Being market day in the town, there were loads of people who stopped and fussed me.

It was noisy, busy and buzzing and I just loved being out and about.  

Mum says it was part of my puppy socialisation plan, meaning that I get exposed to all sorts of positive experiences.

We went into a shop cos Auntie Lin wanted some lipsticks.  Don't know why cos' she's lovely as she is!

The Mum said 'let's have a coffee and a bite to eat', so off we toddled to a lovely cafe in the Town called Mere Moments where the outside overlooks the Mere.

Diss Mere, a historic Market Town at the heart of the Waveney Valley in Norfolk
Come visit sometime soon!

I loved it there cos owners Helen and Sharon and Waitress Ailsa all fussed me and brought me a lovely bowl of cool water in a china bowl!   Posh eh?

Mum and Aunty Lin had a bite to eat but I started to get very hot, so Mum decided to get me home.

As we were leaving the cafe, lots of lovely children fussed and petted me very gently and some nice old ladies chatted to me.  Only thing was, someone thought I was a mongrel!  How dare they!!  Mum soon put them right though.

Once home, I found a cool spot in the garden and slept until Dad came home for play.

Dad's home for the weekend!   Yippee!!!!

PS. I slept well last night and didn't disturb Mum and Dad.   Had done a poop on the floor though.  Tee Hee!

PPS.  Hugo is my friends but Lily still doesn't want to know me....     :-(

Lily, the art-of-avoidance Puss

Hugo, fluff puss, tolerates me now


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Click, Chicken, Click, Chicken, Click, Click, Click!

I've just got to tell you this...!

I just love doing these training game and I'm proud to tell you that I've mastered the sit and got the hang of the down.

I know that a click means chicken is coming; all I have to work out is what Mum wants of me!

I can sit, and sit stay as well as lying down when I hear the click.  I'm getting used to the words "Sit", "Sit Stay" and "Down" but do get a little confused sometimes.

I don't always get chicken on the click.  No, Mum rewards me sometimes with a toy.  In fact, during playtime, Mum asks for a "sit" or a 'down' before I get my squeaky.

Mum thinks I'm going to be brill at agility and is going to set up a mini course in the garden on Saturday.  Bring it on!

Back to gnawing on Dad's garden slippers.   Nice feet Dad!!

Butter wouldn't melt....

PS. Meant to tell you that I slept without crying and disturbing Mum last night!  Must be the separation training working


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Rub A Dub Dub

I've been playing hard this week and have got a bit dirty.   Mum's been giving me a lick over with a doggie wipe each day, but she's decided, seeing the weather's nice, to give me a mini bath.

Now, there's a few things you should know about doggie bathing.   Gone are the myths that bathing a dog once a year was the norm.  These old ideas did make sense in the days when the shampoo was harsh soap, dryers were nonexistent and the dogs talked about were outdoor dogs rather than household pets.

I'm 9 weeks old now!
I'm a household doggie and a close companion and you never know, Mum might allow me on the settee or the bed at some point, so it's important I'm bathed regularly.

Bath time is also a great opportunity for Mum to check my ears, but she does that every day anyway to make sure they are nice and clean and free of hair in my ear canals.

Before the bath, Mum will brush my coat to make sure there's nothing stuck in it.  When I'm older and in full coat, Mum will be 'line brushing' me meticulously.  Line brushing is a technique that ensures all of my long silky adult coat is matt free but for now, a good brush will suffice.  

I'm going to be shampoo'd in a lovely peppermint shampoo with built in conditioner which helps repel nasty biting insects.

If I'm going to get wet, then I'll make sure Mum gets very wet too!

Not too sure whether I'm really going to like this, but I'll tell you more tomorrow.

PS. If you'd like to know more about how to groom a Havanese, there's a brilliant book called "From Nose To Tail", by the Havanese Fanciers of Canada.  Click here for more info


Cats and Washing

These other creatures that share the house with me are very odd.  Talk about having a strop!

I've done nothing to make them hiss and skulk, stare and avoid, sniff and fluff out.  I really don't get it.

Mind you, this morning was a little different.

The big one called Hugo actually walked right past me without flinching!  Ok I did get a stare as if to say 'keep back' but off he toddled without a further care to munch his grub.

The other one called Lily kinda said hello before disappearing off somewhere.   It's a start I suppose and they did bring me a mouse present  :)

Not much to report except to say Mum and I have been doing a bit more training.   I can master the sit and sit stay and am practicing the down.  I so want to please so I'll keep trying.

All that school stuff has made me sleepy.

I've slept on Dad's garden slippers but Mum couldn't get a nice photo.

I'm now in the washing......smells of Lenor.

Where's Bluffy?


Separation Anxiety And Meditation

Thank you for following me.   I'm having great fun knowing you are all playing along.

Mum wants me to talk about separation anxiety.  Why?  Well it's happening to me and probably lots of puppies and doggies around the world too.

Cesar Millan
The Dog Whisperer
Mum has been up half the night with me and she's decided that enough is enough!

Mum is a big fan of Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer who sadly has announced that his famous TV series is coming to an end.

So when Mum needed a little extra guidance on dealing with my whining and crying at night, she's turned to Cesar's book "How To Raise The Perfect Dog"

First it's important you humans understand us doggies and what makes us tick.  Here's an extract from Cesar's afore-mentioned book on the topic:

Dogs are programmed to want to follow the pack, and try to reunite the pack when separated.   If they can't follow the pack, they'll call them back with their voice.   

Much of the time they succeed in bringing people back this way.  What's more, they bring them back feeling sorry for the puppy/dog and guilty about leaving.   

Often the people they bring back also bring them treats.  So the message they get is" They're not here to stop my anxiety, they are here to reward my anxiety.

If they don't succeed in bringing us back, it's a logical next step to try and dig themselves out from behind walls if they can't find any other way.

Cesar recommends that firstly to hide out of sight a short distance away.

Mum did this with me and yes, whine and cry I did.  She didn't let me get to the point of screaming before she reappeared from her hiding place and immediately addressed my behaviour with Cesar's famous 'tssst' and calm assertive body language.   She also made a clicking sound which I know means I have to sit.

Cesar makes a good point here:

Even though your puppy/dog might sit, check his energy since he still might be in an alert state. Many people make the mistake of thinking yawning means a dog is tired/relaxed, but puppies especially yawn if they are anxious or frustrated by a situation they can't figure out.  If this happens, stay in sight of your puppy/dog until he goes into the relaxed state you want.

Mum waited a little longer cos I was still a bit anxious.   I moved away and then Mum moved out of my sight again and I started pacing and darting away cos my survival programming tells me that I need to be part of the pack again.

We repeated this exercise again.  It takes much patience on both sides and it's something we are going to work on today and the next few days.

Mum is learning to meditate and is now playing some relaxing chill out music for us both.   Yawn.  Sleepy now!

PS: Don't forget you can follow all my training stories here


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Water And Flowers

Gosh it was hot yesterday wasn't it?

I liked it best when Dad came home in the evening and played some lovely games with me.  It was very nice cos the evening was cooler so I didn't mind scampering around, jumping up at Mum's washing.   Cool game!

Is this what you mean by
watering the flowers Mum?
Mum said that her garden needed watering.  Not knowing much about that, I thought I'd go with her.    Ooooh, what's that snake thing?   It wiggles along on the ground and spurts stuff out of it's mouth.  Mum said it was water and I loved watching the flowers drink.

Today's another hot one and it started out with Mum putting me on the bed with Dad so he and I could play for a short time before he had to go to work to buy me nice things.  Thanks Dad!

Mum and I fell asleep together and only got up at 8.30 a.m.

I'm now playing with Bonzo and I've found my woof!  Mum's also given me a smelly chew called a Bully stick which my friend Cesar Millan recommends. Think it once belonged to a bull's undercarriage if you know what I mean, but they are great for my teeth.

Won't be writing much today but here's a few photos to keep you going......

Woof!  Woof!   Grrrr!   Grrr!

Upside down Bonzo!
Bully sticks are Yum!


Monday, 23 July 2012

A Morning Of White Coats And Stethascopes

I'm a happy little soul, so every on tells me.   I slept really well last night and I think it was cos I had loads of playtime yesterday.

I love to wag my tail and this morning, I greeted Mum with a little woof which made her smile.

Yippee! I climbed them!
It was 6am and we both went outside for me to do my business.  I even managed to climb the steps all on my own!   The grass was all dewy and my tummy and paws got all wet.   I didn't mind but Mum fussed and fussed and insisted on drying me off.

It was lovely having my tummy tickled and I really don't mind being handled and my body felt at all.

After all that fun, Mum made me do some training.    Best bit was that I got to get a pice of chicken every time I did what she asked.  She uses this clicker thing but it really helps me to understand what she wants.   Within 5 minutes I was sitting on her command!   I just know I'm a clever boy!

Then I had a sleep and next thing I knew I was in this strange place called the Vets.   Lots of lovely smells and I really didn't mind Janet the Receptionist and Marguerita the Nurse picking me up for a cuddle.

Marguerita weighed me in at 1.75kgs.   I like Marguerita since she speaks Spanish to me which, if you know anything about my breed, is a language I sorta understand.

Mum showed Janet my vaccination card and my pedigree documents and they discussed a vaccination schedule.   Then Marguerita took me off into a room away from Mum to get me microchipped.

I really didn't like that at all but I got lots of fuss and kisses after.   Marguerite even offered me some treats but I didn't want them cos I was too busy enjoying all the attention from people in the waiting room.   Some thought I was a Llasa Apso puppy and others thought Border Collie and all had never before heard of my breed.  I didn't mind though cos I got lots of fuss and tickles.
Bluffy and the bicycle

Since I got home, I've been ever so sleepy.  Yawn!  I've been sleeping outside in the shade in all sorts of places as you can see here!

Can't wait for Dad to come home and play with me and Mr. Alien...

A selection of my favourite toys.
Piggy In The Middle is my Fav!

Don't forget you can keep up-to-date with my vaccination schedule here and also see all my latest photos here


A Bit Of Trauma Followed By Chicken in Sunny Norfolk

Travel, chicken and play were the order of the day yesterday (Saturday 21st July).  My new Mum and Dad came to collect me and bring me to my new home in Diss, Norfolk.

This is me with Mum before leaving for Norfolk

Got my suitcase packed Mum?

The journey was a little traumatic for me as you can imagine since it was the very first time I've been separated from my litter mates and doggie family.

My trip home to Norfolk from Nottingham was fairly uneventful.  Mum and Dad were dead proud cos I never did a widdle or a poop for the entire 3 hour duration of the journey home.   I was a little bit travel sick though but Mum sorted me out very quickly and I snuggled down and slept all the way home.

Once at my new home, it was dead good cos Mum enticed me into the house with bits of chicken.   In no time I was scampering about the kitchen, sniffing out my new pad.  I had my photo taken with Dad as I'm very photogenic as you'll soon discover!

Grrrrree off Dad. It's mine!

I explored my new indoor play area especially put there for me.  It has a lovely comfy crate with lots of fun squeaky toys for me to chew!  There's also my toilet area and at the opposite end is where they put my nosh and water.

I made my mark with a widdle and a poop before 2 very strange black and white creatures came to say hello.  Think these were Hugo and Lily who I hope will soon be my friends.

Then it was playtime!  Out in the garden exploring the grass, pebbles, bark and paved areas with tons of pull and squeaky toys.   There was this big yellow thing in the sky which made me all warm.  Mum says it's called the sun.    I like the Sun.

I like to colour coordinate!

Then lots of lovely chicken came my way for tea.  Yum Yum.

Had a bit of a strange night and howled lots and lots cos I didn't like being on my own.   Mum was very naughty cos she came down to see me and we snuggled up and fell asleep together.  It worked then!

PS - check out my Havapeek tab on my blog to see loads more photos of me


Friday, 13 July 2012

Poop Bags, Treats and Days Out

Widdles, Poops and Trips to the Vets have been the theme this week.

If you've been following me regularly, you'll know that my new Mum and Dad to be went off to school on Tuesday night to see my soon to be teacher and class mates in action.

There were 5 lovely puppy playmates; a Labradoodle called Dexter, a Chinese Crested Cross called Holly, a Black Long coated Retriever whose name I can't remember, a gorgeous Staffie called Stanley, and a black Labrador called Boo.

There were a few pee pee accidents only because they got really excited but nothing that a few towels couldn't sort out.

Otherwise, they were sooooo well behaved and got on really well but when things did get a little excited teacher Elaine told their Mums and Dads how to calm things down.

I start school on 13th August 2012.   Mum's got her treat bag ready.  Hope it's chicken in there!

Wednesday was my first day trip out in a car to the Vet to have my eyes tested.

Most breeds of dog have health issues and the Havanese is no different.  We are prone to a number of health issues which, along with deafness and skeletal problems, include cataracts.

A cataract is an opacity in the lens of the eye.

Cataracts can:

 -  be hereditary,
 -  occur in young and adult Havanese
 -  and occur in both eyes

 so it's really important for puppies and adult Havanese to have their eyes examined annually.

I'm fine and so are my 5 other siblings and that's because breeder, Tracy at Larwinsca Havanese, dedicates her life to my breed.   She's a star!

We were all so good on our first trip to the Vet that we were rewarded with some lovely treats!

Yum yum.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Mum's Off To School Tonight

Today is a special day.   Not only is it a day before my 7th week birthday, but also the day on which Mum (and Dad) go to school.

Click here
for more info about my lessons
By school, I mean, MY school.  Puppy socialisation and behaviour classes with the lovely Elaine Brown from the Dog Learning Zone 

They are going to see what happens in preparation for my first day at school on 13th August.

In the doggie world, we have to learn to speak two languages; our own and that of the human species.  Very rarely do humans learn our language.   But I think my new Mum and Dad will and this is their first step to learning doggie language.

I'm going to keep you all posted of both my own and their progress so keep checking back!

Mum's been busy getting together a series of scary sounds designed to help me become used to noises like thunder, fireworks, car horns and even crying babies!

She's also putting together a mini first aid kit  after reading about the benefits in that doggie magazine called YOUR DOG .

Seems like the essentials include everything from a thermometer to scissors and bandages but for walkies, Mum's only going to take a magnifying glass, tweezers and bandages.

Is this a bit over the top I wonder?


Sunday, 8 July 2012

Seagulls Screaming Kissa Kissa Kissa Kissa

My new Mum and Dad have been out exploring.  

They are really keen to find some nice doggy days out and went to a lovely coastal spot in Suffolk yesterday.

Its called Dunwich Heath and boy oh boy, the walks that crisscross this heather bound heath are just fab.  

I'm told that a short way along the coast are the seaside towns of Aldeburgh and Southwold.  These are very nice places too but unlike Dunwich Heath and Beach, I can't play on the beach until 1st September.   Guess where I'd rather be then?

Dunwich Heath and Beach Suffolk

Dunwich Heath had lots of white flying things that swoop down and scream and make loads of noise.  Bit unsure whether I'll like these things that Mum and Dad call Seagulls.  Do you think they will be my friend?

Another bit of news is that Dad can't wait to try out his new back pack.

It's a little different to the norm since it's designed to carry me at the front when I get tired since I'll not be able to walk very far whilst I'm only young, without wanting a nap!

Looks lovely and snuggly and makes me sleepy just thinking about it.......

Raining here today so Mum's been busy sorting me a nice space for me and my toys.   (She's still in her PJ's at 3 in the afternoon!!)

The cats, Lilly and Hugo seem a little miffed cos Mum's moved their food from it's usual spot to another part of the kitchen.  (Tee Hee!)

Something called Wimbledon on the telly right now.  Dad's not moved from the sofa and Mum doubts he ever will since a bicycle ride from France is on later.....


Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Meet the family

Uncle Baz and Dad Bandit of Larwinsca Havanese July 2012

And this is Lilly, my new house companion.

Here's another one of these creatures
He's very elusive and is King of his patch
Called Hugo responds to Bugs Bear.
Gorgeous eh?