Friday, 31 August 2012

Arty Farty World

Yes, I know, I've been lazy.  I've not posted for a while and I know that you are desperate for news!

Thing is, Mum, who is my personal secretary, has been very busy setting up THE ART OF LIFE.

This a voluntary group and the idea is to help local cancer patients and their families heal and find meaning through art, music, story telling along with holistic and spiritual therapies.

Sounds exciting eh?

Thing is, I'm going to be involved too when I'm a bit older.

I've told Mum I want to be a Therapy Dog but I need to be at least 9 months old before I can apply.

In the meantime though, I know Mum will take me along to these art sessions.

I can't wait to get my paws dirty!

What's been happening in my world?  

Here's a quick run through:

I'm posing Mum!
  • I'm now 14 weeks old, very mischievous, lively and my coat is getting long.
  • I've now got my own Pet Passport which means I can go abroad on holiday. Can't wait for that!
  • I hate going outside to pee and poop in the morning.  I prefer the kitchen floor, much to Mum's dismay.   I really don't like getting my paws and tummy wet first thing.  Brrrrr!!!
  • I love going out in my bicycle basket with Mum.  And how cool is this?  Mum even takes me along in the basket when she's giving  her client a cycle lesson!!
  • I'm partial to cat food (Yum!) which I mustn't have cos it's full of wheat products which upset my tummy. But I just love gobbling up the cat's left overs when Mum's not looking.  She's got wise to it though and takes the food away when the pussycats have finished eating. 
    Keep cycling Mum;
    it makes your hair go funny
    Tee Hee!
  • I've got my own 'business cards'. Posh eh?  Well, when we're out on walkies, we get stopped by so many people for a chat, cuddle and "ooohs" and "aaaahs".  Most people have never heard of the Havanese breed with many thinking I'm a cross breed.  That makes me cross so Mum's got these cards to give out with info about my breed.  Cool eh?
  • I went to a doggie show last Sunday.  Dead excited to go but the heavens opened and I got soaked.  Mum dried me off and Dad stuck me in his jacket to keep me warm cos I was all shivery and getting wet made me feel a bit ruff the next day.  Dad bought me a lovely little waterproof coat though.  It'll come in handy when we hit the Alps for skiing in 2013.
  • Lily the cat is still not my friend.  She hisses, spits, and lashes out. I only want to say hello!  Hugo, the other cat, and I get on well although I think he gets a bit fed up when I chase his tail.  
  • I've really found my voice.  I like nothing more than having a conversation over the garden fence with TJ the Jack Russell and Tess the Collie, who is just back from her holidays in La Belle France.  We all love gossiping.
  • Mum and I continue to work on our training exercises.  I didn't have to go to school this week cos Monday was a Bank Holiday.  I'll do anything for chicken but I've noticed that Mum is substituting chicken for toys when we do training. You can read more about my playschool exercises here 
    Love the pink Dad!
  • I'm not too keen on walking on my lead.  I like to grab hold of it and carry it myself but Mum won't let go of the handle.  So she's bought me a harness so that the lead won't distract me when walking.   When I'm older, I wont wear a harness cos it will get tangled in my long coat and cause nasty matts. 
  • I now weigh 2.7kgs, so I'm growing fast. My food is all natural cos that's the best for me to help my bones form properly without giving me nasty poops. Mum adds variety by putting a little carrot smoothie into my food or sometimes some natural goat's yoghurt which I love.
  • Dad and I love having some cuddle time when he gets home from work.   I love my Dad and go berserk when he walks through the door.  I know when he's home cos the crunching of the car tyres on the gravel driveway kinda gives it away. 
  • One last thing to tell you.  My Auntie Lin has lent me a big bean bag which I love playing and jumping around on.  I love the squishiness of it so much that Mum's order me one of my own.  It's not come yet, but should be here any day now.  Hurry up Postie!
Just before Mum and I get ready to go to Beccles this morning (Mum's giving another cycle lesson) I want to share this lovely photo with you.   Yesterday rained much and the wind was like a hurricane.  But once the rain stopped, Mum noticed something quite beautiful suspended in time.......

A raindrop suspended in a spider's web


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Birthday Surprise, Walkies And Doggie Etiquette

I'm 3 months old today!

And today is the end of my quarantine following my vaccinations.  This means that I get to explore the big wide world in all its glory.

So today, we are planning a short walk, just so that I can get used to my local surroundings.

Mum knows the importance of not exercising me too much since my bones and muscles are still forming.  Over-exercising at this stage in my life could lead to health problems.

Elaine, at the Dog Learning Zone where I go for puppy school, recommends a good rule of thumb is five minutes of exercise for every month of life up to twice a day.

My math tells me that I should be out walking for 2 separate 15 minute sessions.  (3 months x 5 = 15)

Whilst out on our walk, we will be practicing the 'sit', the 'down' and the 'heel'.   No doubt we will meet other doggies too as well as experiencing new situations.


Meeting doggies is fun, but there is something called 'doggie etiquette' and I want to just paws and tell you a little bit about this.

We doggies have three means of self defense; to fight, to freeze or to run away.
Most often, the choice we make is to run away.

When we are on a leash, we feel trapped and this is why doggies are often more reactive on the lead than off.  So, it's important for Mum to keep my leash loose if we encounter another doggie on our walk.

If we approach another doggie, Mum knows its good manners to ask the other owner if their dog and me can be introduced.

Not every doggie is friendly and a waggy tail ISN'T a sign of friendliness!   It's a sign of excitement.  There are lots of signals that us doggies give humans. Sadly, much of our conversation we give to our human owners goes unnoticed or is even misunderstood.

So, it's really important for both Mum and I to practice our communication skills and learn to listen and look at each other.

For example, as we approach another doggie, Mum will get my attention with the clicker so that I 'watch' her for a signal that will tell me whether we are going to carry on walking or stop and say hello.

If we stop, it will be Mum's decision, not mine.  She'll say 'go play'

If we don't stop to say hello, Mum will encourage me to pass the other doggie by saying 'heel', patting her leg and then giving me a treat for doing what she asked.

Well, this is the theory anyway!   I'll let you know how we get on.

Mum needs to get dressed first!  Walkieeeeeeeees!


PS.  Just got back from very first walk.  It was lovely but I didn't like the strong wind blowing in my face.

I thought I did really well and coped with all the strange and new things really well.  I managed to walk to heel most of the time and sat when told.  I particularly liked sniffing the long grass but Mum made me move on by using the clicker to get my attention.

It did help that Mum had a pocketful of chicken!   Whacked now...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, 13 August 2012

The Morning After The Night Before

Mum and Dad went to puppy school last night.   I didn't go cos I'm still in quarantine which ends tomorrow.  Yippeeeee!

Let's face it, Mum and Dad need to learn doggie stuff much more than I do!

My school mates are all around the same age as me, 3 months + and it was the first class of 10 during which all Mums and Dads will learn how doggies like me communicate, learn and play.

I'll have 5 other school mates.  There's Ranger a pointer, Ruby a toy Labradoodle, a Husky, Collie and Welsh Springer Spaniel whose names Mum can't quite remember.  No matter, the important point is that I'll be able to socialise with other of my kind for the very first time since leaving my litter mates.

I'll be going next Monday and in the meantime, Mum and Dad have come home with lots of exercises for us to practice before next week.

You can read more about this on my Play School page.

What ever happened last night has brought about a difference in Mum and Dad.

For instance, this morning, Mum came down as usual but I noticed that she ignored me and got on with the jobs in hand.  Oooh, that was a bit of a shock, but I was going mad, jumping up and down in my pen.

I did get rewarded with lots of fuss once I became calmer and sat.   Mum put me outside, which she's not done before.  I think this was to encourage me to pee and poop cos I'm still having trouble with in that department, preferring the kitchen floor, even when the door is open.

From my viewpoint through the back door window, I spied Dad who had come down to get his cup of tea before leaving for work.  Mum let me in and I tore straight over to him and did my morning welcome dance. Dad did exactly the same thing and ignored me. How dare they??!

I tried chewing Dad's shoelaces, but I was immediately told that wasn't the behaviour they wanted, so I sat down.   This simple act got me lots of fuss!

In a way, I'm glad Mum and Dad are changing their behaviour.  It's much better for me to be set boundaries and rules and I'd much rather remain calm and balanced than be spending my precious energy needlessly.

And the lesson here?

Doggies like me use our nose, eyes and ears in that order to communicate. Mums and Dads use their ears, eyes and mouth and constantly jabber on and on at us in a language we don't understand.

So, Mums and Dads need to start using body language more.  That way, us doggies get the point far quicker.

So what's on the agenda for today?

Well, here's a thing of note, my best toy, Bonzo, is having a wash!  Shame really, cos I love him smelly and dirty but Mum doesn't.

I'll be doing some training, following up on last nights play school.

Mum will be doing the ironing cos the weather is set to be bad.

For now, I'm snoozing in my bed.


Thursday, 9 August 2012

I've Eaten A Snail!

Today, whilst Mum's back was turned, I ate a snail.  Bit crunchy I must say, but I cracked it easily to Mum's complete horror.

I really didn't understand what was so wrong about eating a snail, but Mum did.

So concerned was she about lung worm, she immediately rang the Vets to make sure that my prescribed wormer protected against ANGIOSTRONGYLUS VASORUM.   That's the posh name for lung worm.


Well, this is a very nasty parasite which infect dogs and foxes in UK and Ireland.  It can prove fatal, no matter the age of the dog.

And that's why I'm blogging about this today.   If you, dear reader, are a dog owner, I strongly suggest you carry on reading and make time to click through to the various links I've included in this blog.


Adult worms are found in the heart and pulmonary arteries of infected dogs and foxes.

The worms lay eggs which hatch into larvae and pass into the airways of the lung.

The larvae are then coughed up and swallowed, passing out in the dog's poop

Slugs and snails then swallow the larvae and pose a major threat to puppies and junior dogs simply because they are extremely inquisitive at this age.
Adult Lungworm

Frogs can also be part of the lungworm life cycle

Foxes are natural hosts for lungworm and are also responsible for the spread of the disease.


When this lungworm gets inside a dog it can result in a number of quite different symptoms, some of which are easily confused with other illnesses.

The main symptoms are:

1. Breathing problems or coughing, tiring more easily

2. Poor blood clotting leading to excessive bleeding from minor wounds, nose bleeds, bleeding into the eye and paleness around the eyes and gums.

3. Behaviour changes, seizures, fits, spinal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite vomiting and diarrhoea


Mum acted very quickly, phoned our Vet and was reassured that the spot-on wormer they had given us protected against these nasties.   And here's the lesson.   Make sure that your doggie's worming schedule is adhered to at all cost!

In the meantime, Mum will be keeping a very close eye on me to see if I present any of the above symptoms, which I'm sure I won't!

I won't be eating them slimy things again even if they are served with garlic!


Mist, Spiders and Autumnal Mornings

Mum's getting the garden monster out today cos the weather is set to be glorious.

We're in early August, yet the mornings here have a definite autumnal feeling.   Mist and spiders webs galore!
Female Fen Raft Spider
Redgrave and Lopham Fen

Here's something you might not know.

Where I live is famous for the Fen Raft Spider, one of the largest in Britain.   

It's an endangered species but recently, many baby spiders were released at Redgrave and Lopham Fen, only a short walk from my home.

Now, early this morning, Mum and I walked the garden to say hello to all the flowers when we noticed some gorgeous lacy webs decorating the high hanging baskets.

Mum couldn't resist snapping a photo to capture their beauty.  I just hope that they weren't made by the Fen Raft Spider!  Dad does too as he's not too over keen on these arachnoids!

PS: Don't forget you can see all my photos here


Mum's A Winner!

Gotta tell you this.   Mum entered a competition. And she won!

Following a phone call the other day, a lovely set of doggie agility equipment turned up with the postman early yesterday morning.

It was quite apt that it arrived yesterday, being my 11th week birthday 'n all cos really, all this stuff is for me!

There's a 4 way tunnel, an adjustable height hurdle, a set of weaving poles and a jump hoop.

I love the tunnel.  In fact, it's my tent and I just love to take all my toys inside, and bound around on the crinkly material.  

Mum plays a great game with me.  She chucks my toys through the tunnel for me to fetch.   Cool.

I've jumped the hurdle a few times, which is easy peezy cos I'm quite a leapy little chap when I run.

Not tackled the hoop or weaving poles yet cos the tunnel is soooo irresistible!

Come on big bird!  Let's play

My hurdle and jump hoop


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Visitors Galore!

I've just been so busy the passed few days welcoming a host of visitors to our house.

On Saturday, Mum's brother Martin and his wife Angie and children Katie and Adam, stopped over at ours on their way home from their holiday in France.

It was brill cos it meant I had loads of play mates to keep me amused all night!

Mum and Dad put on a lovely spread and included my favourite, sausages, but I didn't get one cos Mum won't feed me tidbits.

Smile, you're on candid camera!

Yesterday brought more visitors who caught me playing in Mum's washing bag!  

Mum's friend Maggie popped round with her two grand children, Daniel and Soul who spent the afternoon making wind up and paper planes.

It was really cool cos I got to chase them.  The planes that is, not the children!

Then Becca came to cut and colour Dad's hair.  Dad really takes pride in his appearance and he prefers his hair blond rather than his natural dark brown.   It truly suits him cos he has a lovely brown face and it makes his gorgeous blue eyes sparkle like pools of water.

When Becca arrived, we were in the middle of a massive thunderstorm.  It rained cats and dogs and the sky played the drums real loud.  The light show was amazing too.  And guess what; I didn't flinch!   Cool eh?

Today, I'm planning to cut the grass with Mum when the weather improves a bit but for now, I'm getting 40 winks to recharge my little batteries so that I can play, play play!

Snoozing in the cushions

Oooh yes, the other thing of note I'll be doing today is some leash work.

I need to get used to this cos the end of my quarantine is in sight.  Next Thursday is the day that I'll be able to out and about for the very first time, so walking nicely on the leash is an absolute must!

Sadly, it means that I'll miss my very first lesson at puppy school next Monday night, but Mum and Dad will go along without me so that they can ensure that I won't miss out.  

Thing is though, Mum has been working hard at home on my obedience so I shouldn't be far behind my puppy school mates, should I?

Sun's just come out.  Yippeeeeee!!!!


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Shmuzing With Ladies, Snoozing With Cats

Lovely day here in Diss.

I've just got back from a mini adventure.   Mum is on a Committee for our local Day Care Centre for Elderly folk, which sadly is soon to close, cos of lack of money.

Mum had to attend a meeting there this morning and she took me along too.   She'd also baked a cake to take with us for those lovely folk to enjoy with afternoon tea.

It was a bit overwhelming at first, but I very soon got to know all the old folk and even met my first doggie!

For some reason, Mum held up my rear for this lovely Black Labrador to sniff.  I think this is how we doggies greet and get to know each other.  Good job you'd given me a lick and a polish before we went, Mum!

Then I met, Sylvia, Robert, Bob, Doreen, Violet, Ruth and had a lovely cuddle from Freda, a lady who sadly can't see, but she soon got to know me well by touching and feeling me all over.   I was really made up when she said that I'd made her day.   It really doesn't take much to make someone else's life a little better, does it?

Mum promised to take me in to see them in a couple of weeks time, when my quarantine period ends.   This means I'll be able to walk in on my own without being carried in my lovely basket.

Mum is planning to hold a MacMillan Big Coffee Morning on 28th September and promised to bake some cakes and take them along to the Day Centre so those nice folk can join in too.

What else have I got to tell you?    Oh yes, this is a first.  Hugo the Pussy Cat and I asleep together on the bed!   Wow, how cool is that?

Wot der yer reckon mate? Should we get up?