Wednesday, 30 May 2012

I'm one week old today!

If you've been following my story, you'll know that today, I am one week old!

Me and my 5 litter mates are growing fast and it won't be long before we open our eyes!

Now because YOU, dear reader, are very special, you will be one of the very first  to see the family album.   Photographs of me and my litter mates at 1 week old.  Excited?    Well, click here

We've all got posh names now.  We are all born Larwinsca, being our pedigree kennel name.

But after that, we are all named after characters from the Arthurian Legend.

So, let me introduce:

  • Larwinsca Sir Bors de Ganis
  • Larwinsca Lady Guinevere 
  • Larwinsca Sir Lancelot
  • Larwinsca Sir Galahad
  • Larwinsca King Arthur
  • Larwinsca Sir Tristram

Cool eh?

I hope I'm Lancelot or Tristram!


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Sleep, Wee, Poo

Dear Readers,

You will know that today me and my siblings are now 2 days old.   Bless!

Nature is playing a very strong part in our development.   I thought I'd share some facts with you about what happens during this first stage of our lives.  

This stage is called the NEONATAL period defining the period between birth to two weeks.

 - We sleep 90 percent of the time;
 - The only senses we have are those of touch and smell;
 - We nurse, crawl, seeks warmth of each other and our Mum;
 - We need to be stimulated by Mum to wee and poo;
 - We can right ourselves if we are turned over;
 - Our nervous system is developing rapidly;
 - We are at the same stage of development as a 1 year old human baby.

When it comes to raising us puppies, our canine Mum never nurtures weakness.    She won't tolerate us not following her 'rules'.    If we don't ,we won't survive.

Mum never 'coddles' us.   In fact, when one of us  has trouble finding a place to feed, Mum only helps us only up to a point.   We learn to learn.

Mum is always calm but assertive and is our pack leader.

We live in a matter of fact world and whilst we want to feel tenderness and empathy from our human owners,  we need them to set us some firm rules, just as our canine Mum has, in order for us to flourish.

OOOH sleepy now....... Sleep....... sleee            zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Gemini Dog

Get your dogoscope here!
Wednesday 23rd May 2012 is my birthday.  

I'm but a few hours old and already showing the signs of a GEMINI DOG!

If I could talk, I'd say:

"Here I am - entertain me!"
"Let's play hide and seek"
"What? Huh?"

In short, I'm a buzz seeker. I'm born a star, love the bling, lights and camera.   My owner simply HAS to be a lively on-trend character who loves to travel and take me with them.

I prefer an owner who lives life to the full and does loads of interesting things since I need constant stimulation.  The more buzz the better.

I'm a smarty pants and may well have two distinct personalities.  For example, never one for missing out on ANYTHING, I never walk in a straight line. The theory is simple. Zigzagging is so much more fun cos I can sniff everything and everyone in sight!

Am I an angel or a devil?  One day I might be cute and cuddly, whilst the next, I'm a terrible terror leaving a trail of destruction in my wake.

I love to get up to mischief and get a thrill out of stealing little things from other dogs or even you, so you might have to root out my stash.

You could say that a GEMINI DOG is a "forever puppy" never growing out of normal puppy traits and behaviour.


I'm Born Today!

I've made it into the world today, Wednesday 23rd May 2012 along with my 5 other siblings!

5 boys and 1 girl.  That's a grand total of 6 darling little black and whites.

But don't be fooled. Didn't you know that we, the Havanese, perform magic tricks?  You might think we are black and white but that's just an illusion. When we're older, we'll magic into other glorious colours!

My mum, Winnie along with us sprouts are doing just fine. We are only just a few hours old.  Arrr!

Here's the first photos of me, mum and 3 of my litter mates fighting over the best teat.

I wonder who I am?

  • I know that I'm a boy. 
  • I know that I'm destined to live with new owners in Diss, Norfolk.   
  • I know that my new owners are lovely. 
  • I know that they are thinking of POGLE or WELLINGTON as my name

But that's as much as I know.

I'm very very sleepy.   zzzzzzzzzzzzz  

I need my sleep to help me develop through my neonatal growth period which is a really exciting time in my development.

I'll jot some information down about this stage very soon.

But for now (Yawn!).................

Monday, 21 May 2012

From Nose To Tail - A Groomers Bible

My human Mum-to-be received a lovely package over the weekend.

It was the much awaited book from the Havanese Fanciers of Canada written by those expert people Noel Hynds and Suzanne Mckay.

So why the book? Well, as an adult, my coat will reach lengths of between 5 and 7 inches and I just know that maintaining my crowning glory is more than a little daunting for most humans.

If you've never met a Havanese doggie before, you'll not truly understand why.  But if you can linger for a moment or too, take a peek at my blog to learn the secrets other owners don't want you to know about why they are passionate about the Havanese!

Thankfully, this book will help my Mum to make sure my coat remains the very best it can be.

Just flicking through the book shows that quite a bit of time must be set aside daily to keep me looking my best.

I can suffer quite badly from mats (naturally shed hair that has got tangled in my coat and not removed) which can get very painful for me.  I don't help though cos I really love to rub my back on the carpet!

Anyway, my Mum's got loads of reading to get through so I'll update you on her progress a little later.

Cold today and I'm tired now. Dreaming of muttluks........


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

To bling or not to bling?

My human mum-to-be has a dilemma or two.

Does she buy a collar and lead for me or will I do better in a harness? And if a collar, what type? Rolled, flat or half choke perhaps?

Then there's the matter of what it's made from and what it looks like.
Leather or material? Bling or no bling?

Thing is, I've seen these gorgeous collars and I really, really want to have one but I'm not sure if my human mum to be thinks they're suitable.

The green one was worn by Toto in the Wizard of Oz at the London Palladium and it even comes with a matching lead! I love Toto. He's my hero!

The lush velvet ruby red one looks like a million dollars would exactly match Dorothy's ruby red shoes!

But as I'm not yet born, I don't know what I look like and those colours might not suit my natural coat. Best wait I suppose and put it on by birth wish list!

Psst! Mum Winnie is doing really well. Getting bigger by the day and loves to snooze. Mmmmm it's lovely and warm inside her tummy!


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Tiza's Tale

My human Mum-to-be has been practicing owning a doggie today. Meet Tiza, a gorgeous Jack Russell boy who belongs to her sister.

He's had a great time as you can see from the photos. I can't wait to play with him when I'm old enough

Roydon Fen - a gorgeous place to be a dog!
Tiza looking for a stick

I think I've found one!

Mmm, maybe not.

It's a dogs life....


Friday, 4 May 2012

Words From Winnie

My professional name is Larwinsca Win A Too but you can call me Winnie.

I was UK Top winning Havanese in 2011 and if you click here, you'll see pictures of me in my show pose, all prim and proper, unlike my photo above! (But don't you just love it?)

It's my birthday on 2nd June when I'll be 3 years old and to celebrate my birthday, I'm going to share my secret with you. Pssst! I'm an expectant Mum of 5 pups soon to be born at the end of May!! How amazing is that??

It's a very exciting time for me, Dad Bandit (a chocolate parti), my human Mum, Tracy, and the future owners of my darling little puppies. Even the ducks in my garden have got the buzz!

As a highly reputable breeder, I know Mum will be very selective about the homes my babies will eventually go to. She will make sure that my babies get proper loving homes and that the humans are capable of giving my puppies a quality life.

I think Mum has already given the green light to a lovely couple who live in Diss in Norfolk. I think they are hoping for a girl, so no pressure there then!

Once my puppies are born, I'll keep you updated with news, photos and other gossip so do keep checking in!

Now where did I put that bone....?