Dear Readers,
You will know that today me and my siblings are now 2 days old. Bless!
Nature is playing a very strong part in our development. I thought I'd share some facts with you about what happens during this first stage of our lives.
This stage is called the NEONATAL period defining the period between birth to two weeks.
- We sleep 90 percent of the time;

- The only senses we have are those of touch and smell;
- We nurse, crawl, seeks warmth of each other and our Mum;
- We need to be stimulated by Mum to wee and poo;
- We can right ourselves if we are turned over;
- Our nervous system is developing rapidly;
- We are at the same stage of development as a 1 year old human baby.
When it comes to raising us puppies, our canine Mum never nurtures weakness. She won't tolerate us not following her 'rules'. If we don't ,we won't survive.
Mum never 'coddles' us. In fact, when one of us has trouble finding a place to feed, Mum only helps us only up to a point. We learn to learn.
Mum is always calm but assertive and is our pack leader.
We live in a matter of fact world and whilst we want to feel tenderness and empathy from our human owners, we need them to set us some firm rules, just as our canine Mum has, in order for us to flourish.
OOOH sleepy now....... Sleep....... sleee zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz